Compagnon depuis 1987


Last Name : BISMUTH      First Name : Henri

Position : Director of the Henri Bismuth Hepatobiliary Institute

Specialty : Bile Duct and Liver Surgery

E-mail : Henri.bismuth@pbr.aphp.fr

As a pioneer and renowned international expert in the Hepatobiliary field in the early 70’s, Pr. Henri Bismuth was one of the few surgeons in the world (and the first in France) to launch a hepatic transplantation programme.

In 1993, he set up the Hepatobiliary Center at the Paul Brousse Hospital in Villejuif – an innovative dedicated liver disease center. Its main mission is to provide global care for patients with bile duct and liver disorders. Patients can receive complete clinical management from the same multidisciplinary team. As the first transplant center in France and among the first one in Europe, it has gained national and international renown.

Throughout his career, Henri Bismuth has helped to set up and to develop new liver transplant techniques such as the split liver technique which allows two patients to be transplanted with only one liver. He is also committed to transmitting his savoir-faire by training surgeons from Europe, South America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

A member of the Academie Nationale de Chirurgie, Henri Bismuth has received honorary degrees from the Universities of Turin, Porto, Coimbra, Warsaw and honorary membership from the American College of Surgeons, the American Surgical Association and from many international medical societies.

1987 Surgikos Lecture, Liverpool
1987 Abraham Colles Lecture, Dublin
1988 Lichfield Lecture John Radcliff Hospital, Oxford
1991 First Annual alva P. Shepard Lecture, Dallas
1991 Visiting Professor Ann Arbor
1991 The Fifteenth Annual Leon Ginzbourg Lecturer, New York
1991 Edward P. Richardson Lecturer, Boston
1991 Hunter H. Sweaney Lecturer, Durham
1993 Sir Peter Freyer Memorial Lecture, Galway
1994 The Jones Lecture, Cleveland
1994 The 62nd E. Starr Judd-Lecture, Minneapolis
1994 Alex Simpson-Smith Memorial Lecture, Londres
1995 Bengt Ihre Award, Stockholm
1996 Walters Professor of Surgery, Rochester
1996 Pr H. Bismuth Transplant Fellows Symposium, Scottdale
1996 Dumont Visiting Professorship, Los Angeles
1997 St Vincents Hospital Thomas Nealon Guest Lecturer, New York
1997 Nu Sigma Nu Lecture, New Orleans
1998 Annual Thomas E. Starzl Transplant Lectureship, Pittsburgh
1999 Gimbernat prize, Barcelona
2000 Award of the International Liver Transplantation Society
2000 Jean-François Borel Award Lecture, Zurich
2001 Harvard/Johns Hopkins Visiting Professorship Lecture, Boston and Baltimore
2001 Annual Nicholas A. Halasz Memorial Lecture, San Diego
2002 Sir Arthur Hurst Lecture, Birmingham (British Society of Gastroenterology)
2003 Jan Waldenström Lecture, Stockholm (Swedish Medical Society)
2003 Shumway Lecture, Nashville, USA (Vanderbilt University Medical Center)
2005 Marshall J. Orloff Visiting Professor, San Diego (University of California)
2005 Rudolph Nissen Prize, German Society of Surgery
a) France

Academie de Chirurgie
French Association of Surgery (President of the National Congress in 1997)
French Gastroenterological Society
French Association of Hepato-Biliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation (Founding President and President from 1987 to 1997)
French Association for the Study of the Liver

b) Abroad


Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Torino, Italy
Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Porto, Portugal.
Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Warsaw, Poland


Honorary President of the European Surgical Association (President 1993-1996)
Honorary Member of the American College of Surgeons
Honorary Member of the American Surgical Association
Honorary Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
Honorary Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Honorary Member of the German Surgical Society
Member of the International Surgical Group
Honorary Member of the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
Honorary Member of the British Society of Gastroenterology
Honorary Member of the Asian Surgical Association
Honorary Member of the Royal Society of Surgery of Belgium
Honorary Member of the Society for Surgery of Alimentary Tract
Honorary Member of the Eastern Surgical Society
Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medecine
Honorary Member of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia
Honorary Member of the Academia Argentina de Cirugia
Honorary Member of the Sociedad Cubana de Cirugia
Honorary Member of the Union Medica Franco Peruana
Honorary Member of the Sociedad de Cirugia del Uruguay
Member of the International Association for Surgeons and Gastroenterologists (President 1999-2003)
Member of the International Association for the Study of the Liver
Associate Fellow of the Italian Surgical Society
Fellow of the International Society of Surgery (Member of Executive Council 1974-1978)
Fellow of the Collegium Internationale Chirurgia Digestivae (Member of the International Scientific Committee 1984)
Member of the International Hepato-Biliary Pancreatic Association (President of the IBA Congress 1982, President of the IBA Association 1984)
Member of the Advisory Board for the Ortho Biotech Transplant Institute (New Jersey)
Member of the European Society for Organ Transplantation
Member of the European Liver Transplant Association
Member of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
Member of the European Digestive Surgery

Member of 25 editorial boards such as :

Annals of Surgery (Chief Editor for the publication of the European Surgical Association – 1995-2004)
American Journal of Surgery
Clinical Transplantation
Surgical Gastroenterology
Transplant International
Liver Transplantation and Surgery
Annals of Cancer Research and Therapy