Compagnon depuis 19xx
Citizenship : French
Professional Address: Hôpital Paul Brousse, Centre Hepato-Biliaire
12, avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier, 94800 Villejuif-France.
Tel: (33 1) 45 59 64 12, Fax: (33 1) 45 59 38 57
e-mail: faouzi.saliba@aphp.fr RPPS / 10001241321
* 23/04/1999: Associate Professor in Gastro-enterology and Hepatology.
* 11/02/1995: National Competitive Exam for Consultant “Praticien Hospitalier” in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
* 16/09/1992: Registration at the Counsil of Medical Association: Val de Marne, N° 94/9180.
* 20/11/1987: University Diploma of Digestive Endoscopy. (University Paris VII).
* 12/11/1986: National Diploma of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (Université Paris VII).
* 13/02/1986: University Diploma of Tropical Medicine. (University Paris VII).
* 26/01/1983: Certificate of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
(ECFMG), United States.
* 31/05/1982: National Diploma of Doctor in Medicine, French Faculty of Medicine, Saint- Joseph University.
* Head of the Intensive care unit at the Hepato-biliary Centre and liver transplant unit.
* Regular activity of diagnostic and therapeutic digestive endoscopy (2 consultations/week).
* Outpatient activity of gastroenterology, hepatology and liver transplant patients (32-48
* Night duties in the Intensive Care Unit (7-8/month) (more than 2500)
* Night duties in Digestive Endoscopy (7-8/month) (more than 3000)
* Educator at the Faculty of Medicine (Université Paris-Sud) since 1990
* Educator for the University Diploma of Hepato-Biliary Surgery since 1995
* Educator for the University Diploma of Anti infectious chemotherapy since 1999
* Educator for Inter-University Diploma of Organ Transplantation since 2000
* Educator at the Faculty of Pharmacy since 2000
* Educator for the University Diploma of Intensive care in Hepatology since 2003
* Educator for the University Diploma of Transplant Infectious disease since 2005
* Educator for the University Diploma of Medical Mycology since 2007
* Educator for the University Diploma of Infectious and tropical diseases since 2009
* Educator for the University Diploma of Monitoring of physiological since 2009
parameters in critical situations
* Educator for the University Diploma of medical intensive care since 2010
* Educator for the University Diploma of organ transplantation: Coordination since 2010
and therapeutic education.
- Coordinator, Primary Investigator and investigator in many recent clinical trials, national and international, from phase I to IV, mainly in the fields of transplantation, hepatology, infectious disease and oncology not mentioned here for confidentiality reasons (co- or sub-investigator excluded): n >90.
- Good Clinical Practice trainee ICH E6 (R2): 19/11/2019
Membership of MAIN Committees in hospital ADMINISTRATION
. Life-Hospital Committee (President) since 2011
. Medical Consultant Committee (bureau Member) since 2011
. Medical Consultant Committee since 1999
. Hygienic, Security and Labor conditions Committee since 1999
. Nosocomial Infection Wrestling Committee since 1991
. Drug hospital Committee since 1992
. Transfusion Organization and Security Local Committee since 1992
. Aspergillosis Surveillance Network of the Assistance Public 1991-2000
. Clinical Research Network (INSERM) on Liver Transplantation since 1993
- French Society of Organ Transplantation.
- French National Society of Gastro-Enterology.
- French Society of Digestive Endoscopy.
- French Association for the Study of liver disease
- French Association of Hepato-biliary Surgery and Transplantation
- French Association for the Study of Portal Hypertension.
- French Society of Intensive Care Medicine
- French Society of Medical Mycology
- European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT)
- European Association of the Study of the Liver (EASL)
- American Society of Microbiology (ASM)
- Liver Intensive care group of Europe (LICAGE)
- Chronic Liver failure (CLIF) Consortium – EASL (board member).
- Acute Liver failure study group (board member).
- International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM)
- International Liver transplant society (ILTS)
- ILTS Anesthesia Committee board (board member).
* Expert of liver transplantation at the French organ sharing donor agency 1999-2008
* « Reviewer » of international scientific journals (n=24 journals) Since 2006
- Edimark: Courier de la transplantation (Vice president) Since 2015
- Transplantation (Associate Editor) Since 2015