Compagnon depuis 2006
June 2018
Name: Daniel CHERQUI
Born: 11 May 1957 in Paris
Family : Married, 3 children (1986,1988, 1993)
Professional Address :
Centre Hépatobiliaire – Hôpital Paul Brousse
14 avenue Paul Vaillant Couturier,
94800, Villejuif, France
Phone: +33 1 45 59 30 06
Cell: +33 7 88 55 04 43
Email: daniel.cherqui@aphp.fr
Professor of Surgery
Surgical Director of Liver Transplantation
Hepatobiliary Center – Paul Brousse Hospital – Paris Sud University , Villejuif, France
2010 – 2013
Professor of Surgery – Chief – Section of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation
New York Presbyterian Hospital – Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York USA
Professor of Surgery – Chairman – Gastrointestinal, Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation
Henri Mondor Hospital – APHP – Paris 12 University, Créteil, France
– Medical school: University Paris 12: 1974-1980
– Residency in General Surgery: Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris: 1980-1986
– Military Service: Resident in Surgery Pointe à Pitre Medical Center – Guadeloupe: 1983
– Doctor of Medicine: 1986
– Fellowships:
1986-1987: Hepatobiliary Center, Villejuif, Prof. Henri Bismuth
1987-1988: Liver transplant Unit, University of Chicago, Prof. Christoph Broelsh
– ECFMG certification, 1987 (USA)
– French Board Certification in General Surgery: 1988
– Master in Surgical Sciences – University Paris 6: 1988
– Research Director Diploma – University Paris 12: 1995
– Assistant Professor of Surgery – University of Paris: 1988 -1992
– Associate Professor of Surgery – University of Paris: 1992 -1996
– Professor of Surgery – University of Paris: 1996 –
– First Class Professor of Surgery – University of Paris: 2006 –
– Director of the Liver Transplantation Program – Henri Mondor University Hospital: 1988-2010
– Chairman Digestive and HPB Surgery and Liver Transplantation – Henri Mondor Hospital: 2005-2010
– Professor of Surgery – Weill Cornell Medical College, New York: 2010 – 2012
– Adjunct Professor of Surgery – Columbia University, New York: 2010 – 2012
– Exceptional Class Professor of Surgery – University of Paris: 2015-
– Paris Hospitals Residency Gold Medallist 1986
– Knight of The Legion of Honor of France: 2010
Liver transplantation, Living donor liver transplantation, Open and laparoscopic liver
resection, Liver cancer, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Liver metastases, Biliary tract cancer,
Benign liver tumors, Pancreatic surgery, Biliary surgery, Cirrhosis, Portal hypertension
European Surgical Association
American Surgical Association
IHPBA – EHPBA (International – European HepatoPancreatoBiliary Association)
The Transplantation Society
International Liver Transplantation Society
Former Secretary General of the French Association of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation (French HPBA Chapter)
French Association for the Study of the Liver
International Surgical Group
International Laparoscopic Society (ILLS)
Japanese Society of HPB Surgery
Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology
Philippine College of Surgeons
Associate Editor: Journal of Hepatology
Reviewer for Annals of Surgery, British Journal of Surgery, Lancet, American Journal of Transplantation, Liver Transplantation,Transplantation, Gastroenterology,Hepatology…
– 312 referenced publications on Pub Med as of June 2018
– H index 62
– 50 Book Chapters and reviews
– 45 Invited International Conferences and Keynote Lectures since 2013
- Cherqui D, Lauzet JY, Rotman N, Duvoux C, Métreau JM, Salvat A, Dhumeaux D, Julien M, Fagniez PL. Liver transplantation with preservation of the caval and portal flows. Technique and results in 62 cases. Transplantation 1994;58:793-796
- Cherqui D, Piedbois P, Pierga JY, Vavasseur D, Tran Van Nhieu J, Métreau JM, Le Bourgeois JP, Julien M , Fagniez PL, Dhumeaux D. Multimodal adjuvant treatment and liver transplantation for advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. A Pilot study. Cancer 1994;73:2721-2726
- Boudjema K, Cherqui D, Jaeck D, Chenard-Neu MP, Steib A, Freis G, Becmeur F, Brunot B, Simeoni U, Lutun P, Bellocq JP, Tempé JD, Wolf P, Cinqualbre J. Auxiliary liver transplantation for fulminant and subfulminant hepatic failure. Transplantation 1995; 59:218-223
- Cherqui D, Rahmouni A, Charlotte F, Boulahdour H, Meignan M, Métreau JM, Fagniez PL, Zafrani ES, Mathieu D, Dhumeaux D. Management of focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatocellular adenoma in young women. A series of 41 consecutive patients with clinical, radiologic and pathologic correlations. Hepatology 1995;22:1674-1681
- Cherqui D, Malassagne B, Colau PI, Brunetti F, Rotman N,Fagniez PL. Hepatic vascular exclusion with preservation of the caval flow for liver resections. Ann Surg 1999; 230-24-30.
- Cherqui D, Husson E, Hammoud R, Malassagne B, Stephan F, Bensaid S, Rotman N, Fagniez PL. Laparoscopic liver resections: a feasibility study in 30 patients. Ann Surg. 2000;232:753-762.
- Cherqui D, Soubrane O, Husson E, Barshasz E, Vignaux O, Ghimouz M, Branchereau S, Chardot C, Gauthier F, Fagniez PL, Houssin D. Laparoscopic living donor hepatectomy for liver transplantation in children. Lancet 2002; 359: 392–396
- Lesurtel M, Cherqui D, Laurent A, Tayar C., Fagniez PL. Laparoscopic versus open left lateral hepatic lobectomy. A case-control study. J Am Coll Surg. 2003;196:236-242
- Chouillard E, Cherqui D, Tayar C, Brunetti F, Fagniez PL. Anatomical bi and trisegmentectomies as alternatives to extensive liver resections. Ann Surg Ann Surg. 2003;238:29-34
- Laurent A, Cherqui D, Lesurtel M, Brunetti F, Tayar C, Fagniez PL. Laparoscopic Liver Resection For Subcapsular Hepatocellular Carcinoma Complicating Chronic Liver Disease. Arch Surg. 2003;138:763-769
- Cherqui D, Laurent A, Tayar C, Chang S, Tran Van Nhieu J, Loriau J, Karoui M, Duvoux C, Dhumeaux D, Fagniez PL.Laparoscopic liver resection for peripheral hepatocellular carcinoma : mid-term results and perspectives. Ann Surg 2006 ;243:499-506
- Laurent A, Tayar C, Andréoletti M, Lauzet JY, Merle JC, Cherqui D. Laparoscopic liver resection facilitates salvage liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 2009;16(3):310-4
- Bryant R, Laurent A, Tayar C, Cherqui D. Laparoscopic liver resection-understanding its role in current practice: the Henri Mondor Hospital experience. Ann Surg. 2009 Jul;250(1):103-11
- Vigano L, Laurent A, Tayar C, Tomatis M, Ponti A, Cherqui D. The learning curve in laparoscopic liver resection: improved feasibility and reproducibility. Ann Surg. 2009 Nov;250(5):772-82
- Cherqui D, Laurent A, Mocellin N, Tayar C, Luciani A, Van Nhieu JT, Decaens T, Hurtova M, Memeo R, Mallat A, Duvoux C. Liver resection for transplantable hepatocellular carcinoma: long-term survival and role of secondary liver transplantation. Ann Surg. 2009 Nov;250(5):738-46
- Buell JF, Cherqui D, Geller DA, et al. World Consensus Conference on Laparoscopic Surgery. The international position on laparoscopic liver surgery: The Louisville Statement, 2008. Ann Surg 2009 Nov;250(5):825-30
- Karoui M, Vigano L, Goyer P, Ferrero A, Luciani A, Aglietta M, Delbaldo C, Cirillo S, Capussotti L, Cherqui D. Combined first-stage hepatectomy and colorectal resection in a two-stage hepatectomy strategy for bilobar synchronous liver metastases. Br J Surg. 2010 Sep;97(9):1354-62
- Tayar C, Kluger MD, Laurent A, Cherqui D. Optimizing outflow in piggyback liver transplantation without caval occlusion: the three-vein technique. Liver Transpl. 2011 Jan;17(1):88-92
- Viganò L, Kluger MD, Laurent A, Tayar C, Merle JC, Lauzet JY, Andreoletti M, Cherqui D. Liver resection in obese patients: results of a case-control study. HPB (Oxford). 2011 Feb;13(2):103-11
- Duvoux C, Roudot-Thoraval F, Decaens T, Pessione F, Salame E, Hilleret MN, Lebray P, Abergel A, Debette-Gratien M, Kluger MD, …, Cherqui D. Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Model Including α-Fetoprotein Improves the Performance of Milan Criteria. 2012;143(4):986-994
- Samstein B, Cherqui D, Rotellar F, Griesemenr A, Halazun KH, Kato T, Guarrera J, Emond JC. Totally laparoscopic full left hepatectomy for living donor liver transplantation in adolescents and adults. Am J Transplant 2013; 13: 2462-66
- Wakabayashi G, Cherqui D, Geller DA, et al. Recommendations for laparoscopic liver resection : a report from the second international consensus conference held in Morioka. Ann Surg. 2015 Apr;261(4):619-29.
- Kluger MD, Salceda JA, Laurent A, Tayar C, Duvoux C, Decaens T, Luciani A, Van Nhieu JT, Azoulay D, Cherqui D. Liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma in 313 western patients : tumor biology and underlying liver rather than tumor size drive prognosis. J Hepatol. 2015 May;62(5):1131-40
- Cherqui D. Laparoscopic liver resection: A new paradigm in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma? J Hepatol. 2015 Sep;63(3):540-2.
- Ciria R, Cherqui D, Geller DA, Briceno J, Wakabayashi G Comparative Short-term Benefits of Laparoscopic Liver Resection: 9000 Cases and Climbing. Ann Surg. 2016 Apr;263(4):761-77
- Soubrane O, de Rougemont O, Kim KH, Samstein B, Mamode N, Boillot O, Troisi RI, Scatton O, Cauchy F, Lee SG, Griesemer A, Ahmed Z, Clavien PA, Cherqui D. Laparoscopic Living Donor Left Lateral Sectionectomy: A New Standard Practice for Donor Hepatectomy. Ann Surg. 2015 Nov;262(5):757-61
- Cherqui D, Soubrane O. Laparoscopic Liver Resection: An Ongoing Revolution. Ann Surg. 2018
- Nault JC, Paradis V, Cherqui D, Vilgrain V and Zucman-Rossi J.Molecular classification of hepatocellular adenoma in clinical practice. J Hepatol.2017;67:1074-1083
- Han HS, Cho JY, Kaneko H, Wakabayashi G, Okajima H, Uemoto S, Soubrane O, Yong CC, Chen CL, Cheung TT, Belli G, Kubo S, Wu YM, Chen KH, Troisi RI, Kwon CHD, Suh KS, Soin AS, Kim KH and Cherqui D. Expert Panel Statement on Laparoscopic Living Donor Hepatectomy. Dig Surg.2018
- Figueroa R, Laurenzi A, Laurent A, Cherqui D. Perihilar Glissonian Approach for Anatomical Parenchymal Sparing Liver Resections: Technical Aspects: The Taping Game. Ann Surg. 2018 Mar;267(3):537-543.
- Abu Hilal M, Aldrighetti L, Dagher I, Edwin B, Troisi RI, Alikhanov R, Aroori S, Belli G, Besselink M, Briceno J, Gayet B, D’Hondt M,…., Wakabayashi G, Asbun H, Cherqui D. The Southampton Consensus Guidelines for Laparoscopic Liver Surgery: From Indication to Implementation. Ann Surg. 2018 268(1):11-18.