Compagnon depuis 2017
Prof. Christian Toso (MD, PhD)
Geneva, May 15th 2018 Birth date: 06/03/1973
Nationality: Swiss
Address: Département de chirurgie, Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève, 4, rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil, 1205 Genève, Ph.: +41 (0)22 372 76 93, Fax: +41 (0)22 372 77 55,
Cell: +41 (0)79 615 08 43,
Current position
Jan 13- Assistant Professor-SNF Faculty of Medicine, Department of Surgery and Translational Research Center in Oncolgy, University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Jan. 11- Médecin Adjoint Agrégé Divisions of abdominal and transplant surgery, University of Geneva Hospitals Activity: research (40%), clinic (40%), teaching (10%), administration (10%)
Jan. 2010 Abdominal surgery advanced degree (FMH, Schwerpunkt)
Dec. 2008 PhD (University of Alberta)
Dec. 2007 American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) fellow (University of Alberta)
Nov. 2002 General surgery degree (FMH)
Nov. 1997 Diploma and Doctorate in Medicine (University of Geneva) Medical training and appointments
Nov. 09-Jan. 11 Médecin Adjoint Divisions of abdominal and transplant surgery, University of Geneva Hospitals
July 09-Oct. 09 Chef-de-Clinique Divisions of abdominal and transplant surgery, University of Geneva Hospitals
Dec. 08-June 09 Assistant Professor (clinical) Hepato-pancreato-biliary and transplant surgery University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Dec. 07-Dec. 08 Fellow, PhD student Cell transplant laboratory (Prof. J. Shapiro, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada)
Dec. 05-Dec. 07 Clinical Fellow, PhD student Hepato-pancreato-biliary and transplant surgery University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Oct. 03-Oct. 05 Chef de clinique scientifique University of Geneva, 50% research, 50% clinic
Oct. 02-Oct. 03 Chef de clinique Uster hospital (Zurich, Switzerland)
Dec. 01-Oct. 02 Chef de clinique Yverdon hospital (Vaud, Switzerland)
Aug. 99-Dec.01 Research resident Cell transplantation center, University of Geneva
Oct.97-Jul. 99 Resident General surgery, Geneva University Clinical activity – Open, laparoscopic and robot-assisted general abdominal surgery (elective and emergency patients) – Special expertise in liver and pancreas surgery (open and minimally-invasive) – Transplantation of liver, kidney, pancreas and islets
Teaching and mentoring
Pre-graduate teaching:
In charge of the clinical (AMC) surgical training of medical students at the University of Geneva since 2009 (design and management of teaching and exams)
About 20-30 hours of direct pre-graduate teaching/year
Post-graduate teaching:
About 10 hours of post-graduate teaching /year
Supervision of MD-PhD students: – Graziano Oldani MD 2011-2015 (supported by a bridge-to-academic career grant 2013) – Lorenzo Orci MD 2013-2016 (supported by a Swiss National Science Foundation PhD student bursary and the Geneva Cancer Foundation) – Vaihere Delaune MD 2015-2018
Administrative duties
Member of the “Commission Recherche et Relève” at the University of Geneva since 2014
Secretary and member of the scientific committee of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary association meeting 2018 in Geneva
Member of the scientific committee of the “Prix de la recherche clinique” UNIGE since 2015
Member of the organizing committee “Journée et Prix Gilles Mentha” since 2015
Fondations Protransplant, Insuléman, de Reuter: member of the foundation councils Research
Research areas:
– Liver cancer
– Immune clearance of liver cancer
– Xenogeneic chimeric mouse/rats for immunosuppression-free liver transplantation
Research groups:
– Stéphanie Lacotte, PhD (maître-assistante, immunologist) – Lorenzo Orci, MD (MD-PhD, chef-de-clinique scientifique) – Andrea Peloso, MD (MD-PhD, chef-de-clinique scientifique starting Fall 2018) – Vaihere Delaune (MD-PhD student) – Arianna Kahler-Quesada (research fellow) – Florence Slits (technician) – Quentin Gex (technician)
(grants since 2010 for a total of 4’350’925 CHF)
– coPI, Insuléman Foundation, Switzerland 2017, 51’000 CHF Immune modulation in pancreatic islet transplantation
– coPI, PRD at the Geneva University Hospitals (10-2016-I). 25’000 CHF Establishing a new allocation system of liver grafts
– PI, Swiss National Science Foundation (PP00P3_165837), 2017-2018, 745’589 CHF Surgical management of hepatocellular carcinoma – PI, Ligue genevoise contre le cancer 2016-2019, 329’026 CHF Traitement chirurgical des patients avec carcinome hépato-cellulaire
– co-PI, Fondazione per la ricerca sulla trasfusione e i sui trapianti 2014-2015, 40’000 CHF Mechanisms of extra-hepatic hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation
– co-PI Emmanuel Gomarin Foundation 2013, 10’000 CHF Assessing the risk of cancer recurrence after liver transplant for hepatocellular carcinoma
– PI, Minkoff Foundation, 2013-2016, 108’350 CHF Islet transplantation from chimeric donors with recipient-tailored pancreas
– PI, Artères Foundation, 2013, 49’450 CHF Zero recurrence project
– co-PI, Carigest, 2013, 59’000 CHF Assessing the risk of cancer recurrence after liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma with the use of grafts from donors after cardiac death
– PI, Swiss National Science Foundation (PP00P3_139021), 2013-2016, 1’475’939 CHF Adjuvant management after liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma
– PI, Boninchi Foundation, 2011, 71’000 CHF Adjuvant immune management after liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma 3
– PI, Astellas Foundation Europe Grant 2011, 300’000 USD Towards a better immunosuppression after liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma
– PI, Insuléman Foundation, Switzerland 2011, 50’000 CHF Towards an accurate post-transplant islet graft immune monitoring: a prospective clinical study
– PI, Artères Foundation, 2011-2014, 289’000 CHF Zero recurrence project
– PI, PRD at the Geneva University Hospitals 2009, 30’000 CHF Liver transplantation monitoring measuring peripheral lymphocyte reactivity against liver tissue
– PI, Swiss National Science Foundation, SCORE (323230_126233), 2010-1013, 717’571 CHF Islet transplantation monitoring measuring CD8+ lymphocyte reactivity against β-cell peptides Thesis
supervision MD-PhD students:
– Graziano Oldani MD 2011-2014 – Lorenzo Orci MD 2013-2016 – Vaihere Delaune MD 2015-2018
Master thesis student:
– Oscar Vasquez 2013-2014 – Carolina Shore 2017-2018 Master in surgery: – Noof Al Naimi 2015-2016
Master in Medical Research Methodology (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), co-supervisor:
– Lefteris Gialamas 2016-2017
Awards (selected award out of 16)
– Astellas award 2017. 30’000 CHF, Swiss Transplantation meeting, Thoune, 2018
– Prix Riotton 2016. 2’500 CHF, University of Geneva, 2016
– Vanguard Award at the ILTS meeting 2015. 1500 USD, Chicago, USA, 2015
– Best Oral Award at the IHPBA meeting 2014. 700 USD, Seoul, Korea, 2014
– Swiss Transplant Award 2013 (third price). 1’000 CHF, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2013
– Senior Hepatology Award at the Swiss Gastro-Intestinal and Hepatology meeting, 10’000 CHF, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2012
– Prix Bizot 2011. 2’500 CHF, University of Geneva, 2011
– Swiss Surgical Society Award 2010. 5’000 CHF, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2010
– Swiss Transplant Award 2009 (third price). 2’000 CHF, Interlaken, Switzerland, 2009
– Tom Williams Award. 500 CAD, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, 2008
Editorial board memberships
Reviews Editorial Board memberships:
Transplant International (Associate Editor 2018- )
World Journal of Transplantation (Editorial Board Member)
Manuscript reviews: 1 to 2/week
Grant reviews:
Swiss National Science Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), Czech Science Foundation, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, European Society of Organ Transplantation (ESOT)
Invited presentations: 5-10/year 4
Selected publications
(10 most relevant publications)
1. Oldani G., Peloso A., Vijgen S., Wilson E.M., Slits F., Gex Q., Morel P., Delaune V., Orci L.A., Yamaguchi T., Kobayashi T., Rubbia-Brandt L., Nakauchi H., Lacotte S., Toso C. Chimeric liver transplantation reveals interspecific graft remodeling J Hepatol. 2018; in press (Impact factor 12.5)
2. Orci L.A., Lacotte S., Delaune V., Slits F., Oldani G., Lazarevic V., Rossetti C., Rubbia-Brandt L., Morel P., Toso C. Effects of the gut-liver axis on ischemia-mediated hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence in the mouse liver J Hepatol. 2018; in press (Impact factor 12.5)
3. Lacotte S., Slits F., Orci L.A., Meyer J., Oldani G., Delaune V., Gonelle-Gispert C., Morel P., Toso C. Impact of myeloid-derived suppressor cell on Kupffer cells from mouse livers with hepatocellular carcinoma OncoImmunology 2016; 5(11): e1234565 (Impact factor 7.6)
4. Orci L.A., Gariani K., Oldani G., Delaune V., Morel P., Toso C. Exercise-based lifestyle interventions for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a meta-analysis and meta-regression Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2016; 14(10): 1398-411 (Impact factor 7.89)
5. Orci L.A., Lacotte S., Oldani G., Slits F., De Vito C., Crowe L.A., Rubbia-Brandt L., Vallée J.P., Morel P., Toso C. Ischaemic preconditioning of injured steatotic mouse livers reduces hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence Br J Surg. 2016; 103(4): 417-26 (Impact factor 5.6)
6. Orci L.A., Berney T., Majno P.E., Lacotte S., Oldani G., Morel P., Mentha G., Toso C Donor characteristics and the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence after liver transplantation Br J Surg. 2015; 102(10): 1250-7 (Impact factor 5.6)
7. Toso C., Meeberg G., Hernandez-Alejandro R., Dufour J.F., Marotta P., Majno P., Kneteman N.M. Total Tumour Volume and Alpha Fetoprotein for selection of transplant candidates with hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective validation Hepatology 2015; 62(1): 158-65 (Impact factor 11.1)
8. Iranmanesh P., Frossard J.L., Mugnier-Konrad B., Morel P., Majno P., Nguyen T., Berney T., Mentha G., Toso G. Initial cholecystectomy versus sequential common bile duct endoscopic assessment and subsequent cholecystectomy for suspected gallstone migration: a randomized clinical trial JAMA 2014; 312(2): 137-44 (Impact factor 35.3) Reply to letter to Editor: Iranmanesh P., Frossard J.L., Toso C. Treatment for patients at intermediate risk of a common duct stone-reply JAMA 2014 ;312(19): 2043-2044 (Impact factor 35.3) Reply to letter to Editor: Iranmanesh P., Frossard J.L., Toso C. Surgery or endoscopy first for suspected bile duct stone? Gastroenterology 2015;148(1): 252 (Impact factor 16.7)
9. Oldani G., Crowe L.A., Orci L. A., Slits F., Rubbia-Brandt L., de Vito C., Morel P., Mentha G., Berney T., Vallée JP, Lacotte S., Toso C. Pre-retrieval graft reperfusion decreases cancer recurrence after ischemic rat liver transplantation J Hepatol 2014; 61(2): 278-285 (Impact factor 11.3) Reply to letter to Editor: Oldani G., Orci L.A., Lacotte S., Toso C. “Pre-retrieval reperfusion decreases cancer recurrence after rat ischemic liver graft transplantation” J Hepatol 2014; 61(4): 962-963 (Impact factor 11.3)
10. Merani S., Majno P., Kneteman N.M., Berney T., Morel P., Mentha G., Toso C. The impact of waiting list alpha-fetoprotein changes on the outcome of liver transplant for hepatocellular carcinoma J. Hepatol 2011; 55(4): 814-819 (impact factor 9.3)